
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Friday 20 May 2011


WASSSUP!!!! lol jks I'm not a poof, anyways I decided to share some stuff about fun run not that much to talk about though :/, o well, So I already told you it was a good day and stuff but it was also raining, so so much :/. Everyone was soaked in water haha, everyone looked great though ^^ shout out to b block people for awesome batman-and cast and catwoman costumes ^^. yea saw heaps of umm disturbing costumes?
 but heaps of good ones too :), So yea we got soaked in water, I sprinted 400m and am paying for it with cramps haha, and I wore a blonde wig........ which i shall not do again. I'm gona leave you guys with a pic of me at my gayest moment haha.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Fun run :P

Fun run run run run run run :P
 Haha awesome afternoon so tired tho....... lol I never knew id be in a blonde wig with aviation glasses on but meh haha. So yea I believe the most memorable moments are best kept simple so.... It was an awesome day, I shall post more next time.

Monday 16 May 2011

Temple :)

Herro peoples.....Umm Today was an overall boring day haha not much happened..... so I'm going to rewind back to yesterday. So yea yesterday which was Sunday have you didn't know :P was a pretty good day, I went to temple and hung out with my friend and my cousins and their cousins haha yea big family :P anyways I got stuffed with free food <3 gotta love the food haha tasted so good ^^ and no meat in it so yea salads not the only thing vegetarians can eat, now theres stir fry noodles :). My cousin got prasied by people passing by as we sang and played guitar haha pretty pro ^^, I feel like learning acoustic but i don't have one to practice with nor the committment needed..... also ummm umm what else happened...... Oh I didn't get raged at by tutor haha she actually said my work was good so yea all the people that say I'm dumb go kill yourself ;) ^^ so uhh you guys have a nice day haha, Oh btw the dude in the photo is my cousin Tommy Vo he's been playing guitar for 4 years so hes pretty good at it, I'm the cam man haha and I was sick so I'll sound like a retard, and dude talking at the end is Andrew nguyen.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Who is the man in the mask? A wanna be black? Or a rice loving asian? ;)

Hey guys not much has happened lately well not today haha, I'll tell you more about bio excursion, it was a pretty epic field trip :) I saw heaps of animals ahah some were so small..... like literally the size of this dot . yeah it was awesome haha, on the way back I was heaps tired but I couldn't sleep so I just looked out for everyone else haha I turned off aircons when it was too cold and woke people up before they fell over :P, and watched basketball on a friends ipod haha it was a relaxing ride :). So yea thats it for bio excursion catcha guys later when I start panicing about assignments and tests haha, it shall be funny reading about me going insane. Oh by the way loving my fun run hat haha :P

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Puzzle with no picture

Hey guys had an awesome day at bio excursion we went to the rocky shore haha, I saw a few crabs and fishies :D the sky was bright blue, wonderful to look at, the beach was overwelcoming to look at haha so pretty. So yea we worked and had some fun, at lunch I went to the riverside to watch the scene, the river and boats reminded me of vietnam behind my grandma's place, and I had  a nap. During my nap i kinda had a good dream followed by a nightmare. The dream was cool, I was walking along the jetty, had lunch on a yacht and strolled through the park. The nightmare how ever, I saw my family and friends disappear one by one. :/ been having this nightmares alot lately very depressing.......I needa find whats causing it :P anyways hope you had fun reading :P

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Boredom strikes again

Hey guys, today was an overall boring day hahah, although they were beautiful blue skys and the grass was as green as ever at school. I didn't do alot today and I don't wana bore you with the details. Instead I'm gona end the post here haha and hope you guys have had a more eventful day then me. :P

The asian way

So I'm about to go do some hardcore work and study.... so asian aye. But anyways I went shopping today with asian parents so I didn't buy anything above $1 lol jks I'm a spoilt asain XD. I got me a fun run costume :P and well uhhh it's not that good......its Great!!! ^^ haha I look pretty cool in it but umm I needa be evil like? I guess I'm partially there haha, so it is time for me to work hardcore haha have fun reading :P and unless you haven't noticed I post pictures for every post I do so plenty for you to look at :)

Sunday 8 May 2011

My minds stuck on replay

Hey guys, I had a pretty normal sunday I guess.......Although I slept at around 3:30 am and I woke up at 10 am :/ under seven hours of sleep on a weekend!?!?!? That should be illegal. Anyways lately I've been having these odd day dream sessions, don't get me wrong I love day dream sessions, but these ones were different. Usually I'd go off imagining abstract random things, things that you don't normally see in the boring everyday life and it was usually kinda fun. The ones I have now are just replays of depressing things that have happened last term, its not a good feeling especially when I think about something I nearly did that would've changed my life, But I reckon its my mind being a bitch to me :P(haha sorry for the bad language it's meant to be descriptive not offensive). Well I'm glad I had my very special friends to help me when my world collapsed :), Anyways this way more depressing then I meant it to be so I'll end it :/. Haha it's time to procrastinate for a while, nah maybe I'll do that tomorrow ;)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Sooooooo asian.......

Hey guys this is my first post on this blog thingy :) and I'm doing this at 3:39am in the morning because I had to stay up to do assignments....Coz I'm a good little boy :) So sleepy :P I wanna be where that box dude is at the moment (picture above).