
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Monday 5 September 2011


Hello :) EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! for now...... :/  o welll celebrating now before rest time is over :) I feel like I got nothing to do now... You know that feeling? You get a ton of work and stuff and when you don't know what to do. It's like losing a job, no offence to people who lost jobs that are reading D: So yea since it feels like I have an infinite amount of time on my hands I decided to blog :) while listening to eminem and some other music :D, I don't think I've mentioned by obession for rap before :P So.. yea I like rap but not the ones full of swearing and drugs and stuff thats stupid, I'm after inspirational rap, music that can inspire or change your control your emotions. I hate crap where all they talk about is getting wasted and shooting people, not useful. Once in a while its ok but I hate how people see that as rap :P anyways just my opinion. I'm also into umm I duno how to say it lol duno its name, but its like r'n'b but with guitar instead of a beat or back ground music, I duno probably same thing. I like r'n'b to and occasionally linkin park XD So I reckon I should shut up before I tell you my entire life story and kill this blog :P 'til next time PEACE!! ;D

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