
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Saturday 13 August 2011

Long time no see?

I said I'd be posting when life is more interesting well... thats to far away so I'll recap my life from the last post I guess... So we had a sports carnival a while back, quite an interesting day....NOT I don't remember half the bloody day coz my friend gave me V ( If you dono what V is it's an energy drink like redbull NOS or mother), I was unaware that 1 litttle sip of V would make me go completely psycho. I apparnt sculled 3 bottles of V lost $30, $1.50 BY THROWING IT AT PEOPLE!!, Umm was the rake dude for like some event a the sand pits, uhhh I somehow jumped onto the high jump mats, I lost about a gazillion friends I think and made the remaining friends think that I am mentally ill HAHA. Surprising thing is someone had to tell me what happened, coz i had no memory of it..... So on to my Bday it was actually a normal day for me, nothing new apart from birthday wishes from people and a couple of presnts from friends and family, I went to Korean BBQ that night and being a food enthusiast I highly recommend the Tobaki Korean BBQ!!!! haha, and lastly I got my leaerners in the email not to long ago, very shiny card :) I got 30/30 for the test :D :D finally I get an A for something ;D jks
Well I must admit my blogs semi dead, it was never alive to begin with so its cool it's fun talking to myself haha, and it a last ditch effort to revive this thing ima post absolutely random posts that are hopefully interesting, hope you enjoy :D man this post is long..........................................

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