
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Saturday 4 June 2011

Long time no blog

Wat up people!! haha jks I'm not a poof, so yea sorry for not posting anything lately if anyones reading I have been too lazy and caught up with school work to do anything :P Not much has happened since my last post anyway :/. so starting tomorrow I'm gona be like hard out assignmenting and studying so yea I doubt I'll be able to post anything for the next 2-3 weeks haha- I'm gonna drown in stress :'(. Well now for the happy part in 2-3 weeks times I'm gonna be test and assignment free!!! :) probs regretting every moment I waste not studying after failing exams but none-the-less free :).

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