
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Dayyyyyyyyyummmmmmmmm lol random title :)

Ummmmmm Hi, so like the years been kinda hurried I guess..... it like day 1 awwww schoooollllll dammit..... skipped to week 4...... O_O wth???? everything is due to soon :O. lolol ok a tiny bit exaggerated but  yea tis the truth. So umm a little summary on my year 12 atm.

1. Bunch of assignmetns D: kinda getting use to it anyways from year 11.
2.Ask girl to formal and got yes :) ahahhaha no jks XD
3. Chose my goals for end of year 12, toyota supra, pharmacy course in UQ
:) pretty much all the like major MAJOR things but also, re met a friend from year 9 who sometimes reads my blogs :P HI TINA!!! ;) umm broke my 12 hr straight study record, its now 20 hrs.. like a boss ;)actually sat in the correct house for swimming carnival (not done since year 8). got senior badge that i put a bell on coz apparently i look like a cat.... yea thats about it haha :)
I'm looking forward to holidays and formal in term 2, also buying my suit :D
aiight laters ^_^

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