
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Sunday 8 May 2011

My minds stuck on replay

Hey guys, I had a pretty normal sunday I guess.......Although I slept at around 3:30 am and I woke up at 10 am :/ under seven hours of sleep on a weekend!?!?!? That should be illegal. Anyways lately I've been having these odd day dream sessions, don't get me wrong I love day dream sessions, but these ones were different. Usually I'd go off imagining abstract random things, things that you don't normally see in the boring everyday life and it was usually kinda fun. The ones I have now are just replays of depressing things that have happened last term, its not a good feeling especially when I think about something I nearly did that would've changed my life, But I reckon its my mind being a bitch to me :P(haha sorry for the bad language it's meant to be descriptive not offensive). Well I'm glad I had my very special friends to help me when my world collapsed :), Anyways this way more depressing then I meant it to be so I'll end it :/. Haha it's time to procrastinate for a while, nah maybe I'll do that tomorrow ;)

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