
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

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Friday 11 May 2012

Update on happenings and stuff

Yo :P I am currently sick.... and with 2 assignments to finish over the weekend.... Oh how fun it shall be :). Anyways not much has happened, nothing......awesomely out the ordinary, friends found out I have blog hence the picture of Daniel below in all his autistic awesomeness :), watched the avengers on Monday ( pretty awesome movie recommended for everyone marvel fan or not), Tutor didn't scream at me about not doing work and in fact praised me for my efforts on my chem(Very rare event), Did some hardcore bio experiment with Ayla and Tash for our EEI, Fell asleep in English but managed to be able to hear the teacher so I didn't miss out on much andddd not much lol... Lots of study and assignmenting expected next week, math b: 5% complete chemistry: 75% complete Physics: Lol screw this shit... Biology: 56% complete Legal: meh..... English: 30% complete Gaming: Never complete, need more games, craving games :(, I can't live on tetris forever!!!! >_< Food: Need chocolate like right now.... Drink: Wouldn't mind a nice milkshake right now because they are yummy, or lemon soda which is also very yummy. Health: Sickness= -70hp, 30 hp left...... Mana: Doubt Monster ate it all Randomness: 99.99999% Cause I can. Highness: 30% my normal average non-high self... LOL JKS 70% biatches :) Overall this shows that I am screwed :) but as Mr. Sloman says gotta kill the doubt monsters and stay positive, too bad they have horcruxes and I ain't no Harry Potter... I miss BBC2(Battlefield Bad Company 2)and I really want GTA 5, BF3, FIFA12/13, Assassins Creed 3, perhaps dota 2 when I learn how to play and I'm good. I also craving, Ferrero Rocher, Cadbury, M&M's and Pod's. And I really really really really really really want these Iron man suits, looks epically cooooool :) And I want Graduation To be like dis -------> The Principle in iron man suit = boss hahaha Okeys This is enough bloggings cyas :P >_<

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