
Nibbler is my dog, my buddy, my best friend, my brother, my teddy :)

Hello :)

Feel free to read and read and read :P

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Lawrence Goh

Post as requested.

On sale.

Lawrence Goh, he is currently single I think. Ladies form a line. Warning: contains small objects.


So umm hi, my friends have said that one time I wrote a post calling them douches and such. I have no memory of this, so I thought during my spare time I would confirm such a post. :)


Brendan wasn't in the formal photo :( but I got a funnier one of him instead :)

Oi btw I did check to see if I really did call you guys douches before now and its a no...

Monday 1 October 2012

Holidays, instagram, stuff.....

Hey just a little update I guess of holidays, didn't do much slept, ate and slept some more, watched a bunch of movies and went to a friends place met new friends and discussed bro stuff...LOL. School in a weeks time, almost at the end of the highschool journey, theres still one huge obstacle though... all those assignments... Oh well wouldn't be memorable if there wasn't a challenge to end it all, like a final and hardest level of a game :). Well on a different note I completely ditched my old instagram account and didn't bother telling anyone haha so if you read this blog your welcome to follow and like the photos.

Instagram - ayopictureman
I'll try to take more pictures for the followers :) Anyways heres a preview :D
This is dad's crab dish plated up and ready to eat :D I think its proper name is soft shell crab I'm not sure though, still tasted great and its all that mattered :)
The crabs in the wok :)
Pho- Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup- A Viet's best friend.
My backyard, parents have spend alot of time and money trying to make it better. Is the progress good so far?
Nibbler!!!! My dog, he's awesome and cunning :D
Domo :) If I remember correctly Tash helped me make it or she did the whole thing for me, its called cubecraft pretty much making block characters out of paper. Pretty cool but frustrating to make.
Strawberry's look weird... I never see those perfect ones anymore, Woolworths stop mutating our fooood!!
I think this was Indonesian fried rice, had it at inala, very good :) was nice to get away from the Vietnamese food for once and explore a new taste.
My parents say I'm like a pig... Born in the year of a pig, rooms messier than a pig pen, and I have ears like a pig or a cow because I never hear anything people say haha!
These are fun to look at but not fun to build... still the end product makes me proud :).

Aiight end of post :) have a safe holiday those of you who are on holidays, if not work and strive for success :D.